South Park Fanon Wikia
Boo Yoshiarta Rabbid
Boo s clothing n hat by fredbeardude1974-d9jigys
Character Information
Gender Male
Age 7-9
Hair Green
Eyes Brown, Blue(When Upset), Green(When Angry), Red (When Furious)
Occupation Student
Religion Shinto
Debut Episode/Fic The future of Karen McCormick

Boo Yoshiarta Rabbid is an original character created by Simpsonsiscool1. He is depressed, sad, and mean little Japanese boy. He hates all the South Park girls except for Karen McCormick, the one girl that he is in love with.


Formerly, Boo Yoshiarta Rabbid had black clothing and yellow hair. Now, he has green hair and white clothing, Until now he has a Light Blue Hat, Blue Longshirt, Yellow Pants and Red Gloves.


Boo acts like a monster because of the fact that his eyes can change colors cause he has the arms and legs of Raving Rabbid for blue eyes, Donkey Kong for green eyes and Bowser for red eyes since his 5th birthday. On the other hand he was going to be born for one more day in Tokyo, Japan but cause of serious issues in Japan Boo is born in Nevada, Las Vegas.


Boo had a very nice family but when they started becoming rude, mean, and very nasty to him, Boo started to beat up and murder his own parents at his 8th birthday, but now he has 3 living older sisters.

Yoshiba Pie Rabbid (His 1st Older Sister): Alive

Anne Fire Rabbid (His 2nd Older Sister): Alive

Jennifer Ice Rabbid (His 3rd Older Sister): Alive

Samantha Princess Rabbid (His Mother): Deceased (Killed)

Sam Prince Rabbid (His Father): Deceased (Killed)


Boo Yoshiarta Rabbid has lots of bad relationships with the kids.

Eric Cartman: He hates him most of the time because he doesn't want to be near Boo because of his family and Cartman always reminds Boo that his parents are dead.

Kyle Broflovski: He hates him all the time; Kyle tries to talk to him but Boo always calls Kyle a "Fatass/Fat boy/Fatty" and will swear with either the "S" word or the "F" word with in the word fat. He will always hate him for many reasons.

Kenny McCormick: He hates Kenny because during "Stick of Truth" he became a Japanese Princess and whenever Kenny says he's beautiful (when he's a guy) Boo ALWAYS call him "gay" because he's a guy and he's cross-dressing.

Stan Marsh: He's likes him better as a friend then the other 3. He always treats Stan in many respectful ways; when he goes through break-ups, Boo most of the time he's nice and most of the time upset!

Leopold Butters Stotch: Boo treats Butters in so many disrespectful ways: by using a rock to throw at his stomach, a frying pan at his head and most of the time punching him in the eye as Donkey Kong.

Wendy Testaburger: Most of the time he dislikes her and hates her, but seriously Boo calls Wendy "Ugly/Disgusting/Gross" and also adds swearing by using the "B" word and the "F" word because of how Wendy acts!

Bebe Stevens: Most of the time it's a love/hate relationship, but at times Boo feels sorry about Bebe's breasts always growing. On the contrary, when she talks about Boo's family he tells her to "shut up."

Red: At times Boo hates Red for many reasons, mostly because of her being a "ginger." Boo calls Red, "Ugly-Haired Ginger" and tells Red "Shut Up Ginger, Don't put allergies on me" and adds swearing into it like the "F" word and the "S" word.

Photos of Boo[]

Male Original Characters
"Basil" Morozov | "Burger" Garrett | Allan Mercer | Angel Wilson | Boo Yoshiarta Rabbid | Cade Brown | Clyde Docker | Conner Kurtz | Crovan MacDougle | Darren McElroy | Dovahkiin Hughes| Elvin James Soho | Ford Cartman | Grant Armstrong | Roshan Hagal | Jareen Pole | Jarvis Sanchez | Jimmy Panson | Jon Bayani "J.B" Alexanderson | Jonathan Thorne | Julian Gonzalez | Byron Julius III | Kay Thirteen | Kenbay McCormick | Kyle Broflovski Jr. | Luke McConnell | Markus Tucker | Marion Hernandez | Maxus Williams | Mutt Duncan | Nathan | Nightmare | Noel Sison | Oscar Tamaki | Patton Wellington | Robin Blumlov | Rodel Madla | Roger Stevens | Rowan Rose | Ryan Valzinsky | Sebastian Huza | Skye Blesmin | Sunny Folkner | Thomas Overseer | Tiny Daniel Stotch | Travis Cartman | Vince "Gloomy" Startons | Walter Darling | Xenon / Prototype X-1 | Zachary Richwood | Zane Allen | Zarkvus Daedrius